Previous Year Series

                                                       Topic: VERB&ADVERB (Set-2)

1➤ I______don't want to speak to him again.(Junior Assi. Cashier KSEB - 2009 Speical Recruitment)

2➤ I expressed the hope that he might______recover.(LDC (NCA) - 2009)

3➤ The weather is______hot.(Forest guard -2009)

4➤ The garden is______beautiful.(LDC KSRTC-2010)

5➤ The adverb of brave is:(FEMALE WARDEN -2010)

6➤ Find out the adverb 'Ramu is so weak but he runs fast'.(Reserve Conductor (NCA) 2010)

7➤ I took a shower ______ and got into the car.(LDC WYND 2011)

8➤ He missed the bus and so got to work ______.(Forest Guard 2011)

9➤ Raju could not get ______ sugar.(LDC IDK 2011)

10➤ He ran very ______.(LDC IDK 2011)

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