Previous Year Series

                                                  Topic: PREPOSITIONS  (Set-11)

1➤ She divided the sweets _____ the six of us. (Store Keeper-Welfare Organizer-2008)

2➤ Mother agreed _____ come home with us. (Store Keeper-Welfare Organizer-2008)

3➤ The police was uncertain about the motive _____ the crime. (Store Keeper-Welfare Organizer-2008)

4➤ The audience stood up _____ silence for the National Anthem. (Store Keeper-Welfare Organizer-2008)

5➤ Merchants in the town report that the orders _____ sweets have increased. (Store Keeper-Welfare Organizer-2008)

6➤ Sheela swam ______ the river. (Female Warden - 2008)

7➤ The minister arrived ______time. (Police Constable - 2008)

8➤ Bangladesh's triumph _____ India in cricket was quite unexpected. (Police Constable - 2008)

9➤ He is the man I was looking ______. (Police Constable - 2008)

10➤ Pay careful attention _____ what I am going to say. (Police Constable - 2008)

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