Previous Year Series

                                                  Topic: PREPOSITIONS  (Set-29)

1➤ Lata has trouble _____ remembering people's names. (Beat Forest Officer - Forest 2016)

2➤ Find out the proper preposition: She accused me _____ poisoning her dog. (KSRTC/Store Keeper 2016)

3➤ God has been kind _____ me. (Computer Assi.Grade II 2016)

4➤ The man jumped _____ the pond. (Field Assi. Health 2017)

5➤ Sunil sat ______ a wall. (Jr.Lab Assi./House Keeper (female) - Health Services 2017)

6➤ My father was angry _____ my behavior. (Field Assi. TSR, WYND - 2017)

7➤ I haven't seen her _____ the last thirty years. (WPC - 2017)

8➤ The speaker drew the attention of the audience ______ the burning issues. (LDC-KNR- 2017)

9➤ We agree _____ most things. (Civil Excise Officer - 2017)

10➤ They had a chat _____ a cup of tea. (Woman Police Constble)

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