Previous Year Series

                                   Topic: DEGREES OF COMPARISON (Set-5)

1➤ Mount Everest is ______ peak in the world. (LDC PKD 2013)

2➤ The older he got ______ he became. (LDC EKM 2013)

3➤ The tiger is one of the ______ animal. (LDC KLM 2013)

4➤ Vishnu is the ______ boy in his class. (LDC TVM 2013) A) B) C) D)

5➤ Kerosene is usually ______ than petrol: (Jr.Asi/Casher (Kasargod) 2013)

6➤ Robin is the ______ member of the team. (Excise Preventive Officer/VEO GR II (PTA) 2013)

7➤ Jack is ______ than his brother. (Jr.Assi.Foam Mattings 2014)

8➤ Nira is one of the ______ girls in our school. (Jr.Assi.Foam Mattings 2014)

9➤ The faster you run, ______. (Male Warden Jail (NCA) 2014)

10➤ Fill in the blanks with suitable word. Everest is the ______ mountain peak in the world. (VEO PTA, EKM 2014)

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