Previous Year Series

                                   Topic: DEGREES OF COMPARISON (Set-7)

1➤ What is the comparative form of the adjective 'bad'? (Beverages LDC 2016)

2➤ Mango is ______ than apple. (LD Clerk 2016)

3➤ Elephant is the ______ animal on land. (Assi.Sales man, Civil Supplies Corp. 2016)

4➤ Good : better : bad : ______. (Field Assi. Health 2017)

5➤ Ajith is ______ than strong. (Field Assi.TSR, WYND - 2017)

6➤ Monkeys are _____ learners than elephants. (LDC, PMTA, -2017)

7➤ It is important to understand what makes one type face ______ than another. (Jr.Employment Officer - 2017)

8➤ Ram is _____ than any other boy in the class. (Civil Excise Officer - 2018)

9➤ Blood is _____ water. (Store keeper-KSFDC/Male Warden - Sc Dvlpt - 2018)

10➤ He is the ________ of the three brothers. (VEO-(TVM, KKD)-2019)

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