Previous Year Series

                                                            Topic: IDIOMS (Set-7)

1➤ 'In high spirits' means: (LDC KOZKD 2011)

2➤ 'Be in the red' means: (LDC WYND 2011)

3➤ 'To get a windfall' means: (LDC KNR 2011)

4➤ 'On and off' he visited his friend means, he visited ______. (LDC KNR 2011)

5➤ 'Keep an eye' on means: (Typist Gr. II (Company/BoarD) Corp. 2011)

6➤ 'Crocodile tears' are: (Typist Gr. II (Company/BoarD) Corp. 2011)

7➤ 'To put down in black and white' means: (Asst. Director of National Savings. 2011)

8➤ Find out the correct meaning of the saying cream of the crop: (LDC By Transfer (Various) 2011)

9➤ 'A red- letter day' approximately means: (Wpman Excise Guard 2011)

10➤ 'Beat about the bush' approximately means: (Woman Excise Guard 2011)

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