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                                                    Topic: ANTONYMS (Set-12)

1➤ Choose the word with the opposite meaning 'Rigid' (Jr. Time Keeper (SR.ST) 2011)

2➤ 'Transparent': (Jr. Time Keeper (SR.ST) 2011)

3➤ Give the antonym: 'Hereditary'. (Dpty. Collector 2011)

4➤ The antonym for 'clean' is: (Typist Gr. II (Company/Board) Corp.2011)

5➤ 'Exotic' is the antonym of ______. (LD Typist Various 2011)

6➤ 'Diffident' is the antonym of _______. (LD Typist Various 2011)

7➤ Raman is 'guilty' but his wife is ______. (Assi.Store Keeper (KSRTC) 2011)

8➤ Select the word most nearly opposite to the given word: 'EFFICIENCY' (Asst. Director of National Savings 2011)

9➤ The antonym of 'Fictitious': (Asst.Gr.II/Clerk/Jr.Asst.2011)

10➤ Opposite of the word 'giant' is: (LDC By Transfer (Various) 2011)

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