Previous Year Series

                                                    Topic: SYNONYMS (Set-13)

1➤ The word 'Curtail' means: (Police Constable - 2008)

2➤ The meaning of 'Perceive' is: (Police Constable - 2008)

3➤ Another word meaning 'detect' is: (Police Constable - 2008)

4➤ Jovial means: (Male warden-2009)

5➤ The synonym of 'error' is: (Fireman Trainee (SC/ST)-2009)

6➤ The synonym of 'Rude' is: (Fireman Trainee (SC/ST)- 2009)

7➤ Effluent means: (Sub Inspector - 2009)

8➤ 'Industrious' people should be rewarded (choose the word which is closest to the meaning of the italicized word) (Junior Assi. Cashier KSEB - 2009 Speical Recruitment)

9➤ Dribble (choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning) (Junior Assi. Cashier KSEB - 2009 Speical Recruitment)

10➤ Comatose best means: (Asssistant Grade II Kerala State Beverages - 2009)

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