News Reading Practice #23
(100 Day Challenge)
Residents of Korattur are facing a severe drinking water crisis after Metrowater has stopped supplying even the meagre ration of water. For the last 10 months, residents of Pattaravakkam, Korattur and Kachinakuppam, that come under ward 84 of Ambattur zone, are getting water only once in 10 days, forcing them to depend on private suppliers.
Though the residents, most of them underprivileged, have registered complaints with the Metrowater authorities as well as with the councilor, there is no change in supply of water. As many as 3,000 families residing in the area are suffering without getting drinking water.
"How can we survive if the authorities supply drinking water once in 10 days?', asked Senthil Nathan of Pattaravakkam . "Whenever we ask the authorities, they don't give a proper answer. We can't use the groundwater as there are industrial institutions in the area. We have been getting contaminated groundwater. It will create health problems for us. Now our only option is private tankers which charge much more than normal, citing high demand. So, the officials should take our request seriously. Until a year ago we were getting water normally. However, for the last three months, the situation has worsened," he said.
Joseph Samuel, a resident of Housing Board Colony, Korattur, said they were getting water once in 12 or 13 days, that too contaminated with sewage water, posing health issues. However, nearby areas get water at least once in two days. The Metrowater has to supply quality drinking water at least once in two days. I am spending 10 percent of my salary for water," he laments.
Meanwhile, J. John, councilor, ward 84, said that Metrowater was causing trouble for the residents in the area despite the Puzhal reservoir being full. Metrowater doesn't supply water to the residents. The authorities provide no proper answer. I have taken up the matter with the corporation mayor and Metrowater officials. The residents have launched an open protest against Metrowater. In this situation we don't have any option other than hitting the street. I suspect Metrowater diverts Puzhal water to the big housing complexes ignoring poor people', he said.
Meanwhile, а Metrowater officials said that works on the 10 meter pipeline in the area are going on. Once the work is completed, the residents will get water regularly," said the official.
Work is going on to reconstruct Elephant Gate railway overbridge in North Chennai that will connect Wall Tax Road with Raja Muthiah Salai. The reconstruction project costing 27 crore is done by Southern Railway and Greater Chennai Corporation. -N. Sampath
Heedless - à´…à´¶്à´°à´¦്à´§, അനവധാനത
Residents - à´¨ിà´µാà´¸ിà´•à´³്
Parched - വരണ്à´Ÿ, ഉണങ്à´™ിà´¯, à´¨ിà´°്à´œ്ജലമാà´¯
Severe - കനത്à´¤, അസഹനീയമാà´¯
Drinking water crisis - à´•ുà´Ÿിà´µെà´³്à´³
Meagre – à´¤ുà´š്ഛമാà´¯
Ration - à´µിà´¹ിà´¤ം
Depend on – ആശ്à´°à´¯ിà´•്à´•ുà´•
Unprivileged - à´ªാà´°്ശവത്à´•à´°ിà´•്à´•à´ª്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ, à´…à´Ÿിà´¸്à´¤ാà´¨ à´¸ൗà´•à´°്യങ്ങളും
അവകാശങ്ങളും à´¨ിà´·േà´§ിà´•്à´•à´ª്à´ªെà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ.
As well as - à´…à´¤ുà´ªോà´²െ തന്à´¨െ
Survive - à´…à´¤ിà´œീà´µിà´•്à´•ുà´•, മറിà´•à´Ÿà´•്à´•ുà´•
Groundwater - à´ൂà´—à´°്à´à´œà´²ം
Industrial institutions - à´µ്à´¯ാവസാà´¯ിà´• à´¶ാലകള്
Contaminated - മലിനമാà´¯, à´…à´£ുà´¬ാà´§ിതമാà´¯
Much more than normal - à´¸ാà´§ാരണയിà´²് à´•ൂà´Ÿുതല്.
Cite - ഉദ്ധരിà´•്à´•ുà´•, പറയുà´•
Worsen - വഷളാà´µുà´•, à´®ോശമാà´¯ിà´¤്à´¤ീà´°ുà´•
Sewage - മലിനജലം, à´“à´Ÿà´µെà´³്à´³ം
Nearby areas - സമീപസ്ഥലങ്ങള്
Lament - à´µിലപിà´•്à´•ുà´•
Reservoir – ജലസംà´à´°à´£ി
Launch a protest - à´ª്à´°à´¤ിà´·േà´§ം ഉയര്à´¤്à´¤ുà´•
Hit the street- à´¤െà´°ുà´µിà´²ിറങ്à´™ുà´•
Suspect - à´¸ംശയിà´•്à´•ുà´•
Divert- à´¤ിà´°ിà´š്à´šുà´µിà´Ÿുà´•, à´—à´¤ിà´®ാà´±്à´±ുà´•
Ignore – അവഗണിà´•്à´•ുà´•
Meanwhile - à´…à´¤ിà´¨ിà´Ÿെ