Previous Year Series

                                                    Topic: SYNONYMS (Set-18)

1➤ Slander means: (LDC KLM 2011)

2➤ The word meaning tolerate is: (LDC MLPM 2011)

3➤ The word Platonic means: (LDC MLPM 2011)

4➤ The meaning of proscribe is _______. (LDC WYND 2011)

5➤ The word adjourn means: (LDC KSGD 2011)

6➤ The word lethargy means _______. (LD Typist KBC, KFC 2011)

7➤ The word foe means ________. (LD Typist KBC, KFC 2011)

8➤ The answer is not clear: (Assi.Stroe Keeper (KSRTC) 2011)

9➤ Apology means: (Asst.Director of National Savings 2011)

10➤ Complement approximately means: (Woman Excise Guard 2011)

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