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                                                    Topic: SYNONYMS (Set-26)

1➤ Statutory means: (Lab. Asst.KHSE 2016)

2➤ The meaning of euthanasia. (Lab Asst.KHSE 2016)

3➤ Select the word similar in meaning to the word SERENE. (VEO Gr. II, Rural Dvpt 2016)

4➤ Find out the synonym: 'PEER' (KSRTC/Store Keeper 2016)

5➤ A synonym for the word 'disgust' is: (LD Clerk 2016)

6➤ A synonym of 'pleasant': (Asst.Salesman, Civil Supplies Corp.2016)

7➤ The synonym of the word 'guile': (LDC Various Tamil & Malayalam 2016)

8➤ Synonym of the word 'hatred' is: (LDC Various Kannada & Malayalam 2016)

9➤ The synonym of 'quiver': (Confidential Asst. Gr. II/2016)

10➤ Pick out the word which is not a synonym of 'enormous': (Beverages LDC 2016)

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