Previous Year Series

                                                    Topic: SYNONYMS (Set-31)

1➤ The man stood with his arms 'akimbo' smiling before the large mirror. Choose the correct option to mean the underlined word(Common Preliminary Examination 2022 (Plus 2 Level) Stage II – Various)

2➤ She travelled the world 'in pursuit' of her dreams. Choose the correct option from the choices below which would be a synonym to the underlined word(Common Preliminary Examination 2022 (Plus 2 Level) Stage II – Various)

3➤ Find out the synonym of the word ‘ostensibly’.(Common Preliminary Examination 2022 (Plus 2 Level) Stage I – Various)

4➤ Choose the correct synonym from the given options: Loquacious (Senior Superintendent/ Assistant Treasury Officer/ Sub Treasury Officer & Section Officer - Degree Level Main 23.11.2022)

5➤ Choose the odd one out. (Data Entry Operator- Degree Level Main Examination ST Development - 25.11.2022)

6➤ Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ' Terrible'. (Excise Inspector (Trainee)- Degree Level Main - 29.11.2022) A) B) C) D)

7➤ From the given options, choose the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word. The woman's husband tends to 'vituperate' her when he drinks. (Common Preliminary Examination 2022 (Graduate Level)- Stage II - 19/11/22)

8➤ Read the sentence given below and respond to the directions: Whatever the real origin of the fire, the truth is that it was inevitable, given the near-drought conditions of the time and the fact that much of the city consisted of densely packed wooden 'hovels' served by an undermanned fire department. The word 'hovels' in the above sentence is a synonym of (Degree Mains Subinspector of Police - 22/11/22)

9➤ I was not unmindful of the fact. (Pick out the phrase nearest in meaning.)(Common Preliminary Examination 2022 (Graduate Level)- Stage III - 10.12.2022)

10➤ Which of the following words is/are synonymous with the idiom ‘out at elbows’? (Sales Assistant, Special Branch Assistant SBCID, Assistant & Assistant/Auditor (Degree Mains) – 21.12.2022 ) i. Penurious. ii. Guilty. iii. Impoverished.

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