Previous Year Series

Topic: CONCORD (Set-12)

1➤ Fifty Rupees ______ what I ask you now. (Excise Guard/Women Excise Guard (SR, SC/ST) PKD, TSR 2014)

2➤ The minister along with his body guards_____killed in the riot. (Jr. Assi. /Cashier/Assi. Gr. II KSFE/KSEB/TSR Corp. 2015)

3➤ One of the thirty boys of the class_____absent today,(Pick the right option) (HAS English, Education 2015)

4➤ Neither John nor Mary_____applied for the post:(Asst. Gr. II, Beverages Corp. 2015)

5➤ In the following sentence, supply a verb in agreement with its subject: Neither food nor water_____to be found there. (Muncipal Secretary Gr. III 2015)

6➤ The jury_____given unanimous verdict of not guilty. (Cashier KSEB 2015)

7➤ Neither Sinu nor Ritu_____the answer to this question. (Administrative Officer KSRTC 2015)

8➤ The jury_____divided in their opinion. (Jr. Assi. (Eligibility Test) KSFE 2015)

9➤ The criminal as well as his accomplice_____ arrested. (Divisional Accountant 2015)

10➤ Mr. Gupta accompanied by his two sons, _____going on a tour abroad. (Women Police Constable (NCA) 2015)

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